Comments? Questions?
During the next 5-12 months, Bryan Hantman, director of web development and e-communications, will keep the SON community apprised of the redesign efforts of the communications office. Bryan will post redesign updates, screen shots, links to surveys and user input, and the like.
This is all being done behind the scenes and should be fully developed and ready for testing in a few weeks.
Stay tuned, and enjoy your holiday weekend!
Survey Demographics:
Select Comments:
The Winner Is!
More to come soon....
It is not too late to give us feedback on our new site's architecture (defined below).
We will be performing usability testing during the beta launch of the new site to make certain the new design is a vast improvement over the older site.
Until then you have the forum (here in the blog) to comment on that architecture. Please do!
Web site architecture is an approach to the design and planning of Web sites involving technical, aesthetic, and functional criteria. The focus is on the user and the user experience, with attention to usability, interaction design, and overall design.
With the Creative Brief complete, LMD is working on site architecture revisions. Here are the findings of the survey:
Public’s Perception of UMSON
Based on the interviews conducted and responses from an online questionnaire, UMSON is perceived as a solid institution among alumni, faculty/staff, and current students. Adjectives such as prestigious, challenging, forward-thinking, and inspiring were utilized to describe the school.
Although most comments were positive, a common reference to some shortcomings came to surface, particularly from the current student group.
Survey participants were asked to verbalize what they believed to be UMSON strengths. Common comments across all groups were related to excellence in education at an affordable price as well as the prestigious faculty and leadership. Valuable research opportunities also were listed as an important characteristic of the school. The fact that UMSON is ranked among the top 10 schools in the country adds an immense level of credibility and pride to be associated with UMSON across all groups.
When participants were asked to mention unique attributes about the school in comparison to other schools of nursing, national ranking, prestigious faculty, geographical location, variety of academic programs, research opportunities, and affordability were the common themes among all participants.
Public’s Perception of Current UMSON Website
Participants were asked to rate the current UMSON website on quality and organization of the information, visual design, and overall usability on a scale of 1-3, with one being excellence and 3 being poor. The average score among ~133 participants was a 2; however, the most improvement was required on the areas of usability, content organization, and visual design. Some comments from the survey include:
About the New Site
Survey participants visit the UMSON site an average of three to four times per week, mainly to access the Blackboard application, share drives, access the faculty and staff directory, and to keep up with relevant school news. A number of students express concern with regard to timely postings.
Participants express interest in having a highly interactive website to help improve overall communication. A few examples include adding online course listings, a centralized calendar of events, improved site search capability, links to commonly used application such as Blackboard, and SURF on the home page to facilitate access.
In addition, participants express the need for a better site architecture in order to decrease repetitiveness of information as well as facilitate site navigation. The implementation of photographs conveying the school dynamics is very important. A few examples included photos of student in clinical and academic settings, shots portraying student life on campus, and faculty student interaction. Other items such as student blogs, streaming video, and social networking were mentioned as tools that could improve communication across campus as well as connect current students and alumni with school initiatives.
Here is some of LMD's work >>