Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Newest Concepts & Drafts

Homepage revisions:

Secondary page concept:

Centers of Excellence concept:

What do you think?


  1. can i see a larger pciture?

  2. You have two options:

    1. Click on each linked title and a new window will open to display the full size image.

    2. Click on the image itself, and you will navigate to another screen with the enlarged image. Press your borswer's "Back" button to return to the blog.

  3. why r the photos blurry? are the designs?

  4. That's just the way Blogger renders them. If you click on the link instead of the image you will see a clear image.

    There's no blurriness or lack of clarity in the original designs.

  5. Looks really good. I like the concepts a lot.

  6. Yes, these are great. What about student groups?

  7. Student group Web pages will be integrated into our main site. Student officers will have administrative rights to update their info and will have support from the Commmunications Office. We'll start with simple pages but will meet with student groups to design a template for a more complete site for each group. Stay tuned.

  8. Looks great Bryan. I'm in the final stages of our redesign.
